Our Mission

Open Doors Homeless Coalition is a collaborative initiative in South Mississippi dedicated to building solutions to homelessness through improved service delivery, community outreach and advocacy.

MS-503 CoC has posted the FY 2024-25 Continuum of Care NOFO.

MS-503 CoC announces the approved Consolidated Application for FY 2024-25 CoC Program Competition.

Click the following buttons to review the Approved Application and Approved Priority Listing.  Email cpitalo@opendoorshc.org with comments and/or questions about the Approved Application.

Making an impact in South Mississipi

Until We're All Home

Community Solutions collaborated with filmmakers Dewy Sungai and Jason Houston (eight16creative) to document the stories of how six U.S. communities are measurably reducing homelessness as part of the Built for Zero movement. This series showcases what it looks like to take a solutions-focused approach to homelessness and highlights the work of those playing critical roles in these communities.

Portraits of Success

Meeting the Challenge of Homelessness

Our Programs

Coordinated Entry

Open Doors Homeless Coalition’s Coordinated Entry system is the “front door” to housing opportunities and services through the Continuum of Care.

Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing

For individuals and families who are experiencing a housing crisis and qualify for assistance, or are living outside and identified by community outreach teams.

CHOICE Program

Creating Housing Options In Communities for Everyone (CHOICE)  provides rental assistance, to make housing affordable for individuals with serious mental illness.

Continuum of Care

The Continuum of Care is a collaborative planning process involving over 50 member agencies and concerned citizens to create and implement solutions to homelessness. 

Homeless Management Information
System (HMIS)

Open Doors Homeless Coalition serves as the HMIS lead for in the six southern-most counties of Mississippi: Harrison, Jackson, Hancock, Stone, George, and Pearl River Counties.

Open Doors Homeless Coalition serves the six counties of South Mississippi

ALL IN: The Federal Stategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness

All In: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness

Plan issued in December 2022 by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness to reduce homelessness by 25% by January 2025